Thursday, December 20, 2012


The Jade Fusion yoga mats

68 Inch Jade Fusion mat
74 Inc Jade Fusion mat
It feels great to know that your practice will be greatly enriched by using a proper exercise mat. The Jade Fusion yoga mat is a great tool to get the job done. The Jade Fusion yoga mat comes in two dimensions; seventy four and sixty eight inches. Anyone of these mats will bring a wonderful smile to your face. You will fall in love with your yoga mat in no time. Both mats provide superb cushioning, comfort, grip, and stability. They will not slip no matter how long you use them or how profusely sweaty you might get. They will remain non slippery even after countless amount of washed. You will be so comfortable that you won’t have to worry about your feet or hands slipping and possibly injuring yourself anymore. I love these yoga mats and would recommend them to anyone looking to replace their mat with an organic product. These mats will enable you to take your practice to a new level. If you want to learn more about the Jade Fusion Yoga mats and you are interested in buying one or both of these mats, click on one of the appropriate links below.
For the 74 inch long Jade Fusion yoga mat click HERE.
For the 68 inch long Jade Fusion yoga mat click HERE.